The Big Bang is the most accepted and commonly known scientific theory explaining the birth of the universe. Supported by a myriad of evidence such as Hubble’s Constant and the presence of Cosmic Background radiation, it describes the timeline of the creation of the universe from an infinitely dense and hot singularity to the cosmos we know today.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation refers to the uniform spread of microwave radiation found throughout the universe. It is an integral piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory. In 1948, CMB was predicted by Ralph Alpher and other scientists but it wasn’t until 1965 when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson’s radio receiver detected physical evidence of this strange phenomena through abnormal temperatures.
Initially, the universe was a hot, opaque soup of plasma containing free electrons. These free electrons would scatter light and prevent it from travelling unhindered. Overtime, as space cooled in temperature, free electrons fused with protons and neutrons to make neutral atoms. The absence of these free electrons resulted in a transparent universe in which light could now traverse. This very light emitted by photons 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the universe became transparent, is known as Cosmic Background Radiation. The radiation we observe today from Earth used to be extremely powerful and had a high frequency - however, after billions of years this light has been red shifted and regressed to radio waves. By observing the properties of light released billions of years ago, scientists realised that the Big Bang Theory predicted the same characteristics and concluded it as substantial evidence.
Hubble's Constant
Hubble’s law is a formula which depicts the recession velocity of a galaxy based on its position: the farther away the galaxy, the faster it recedes. In short, the law also helped discover that light emitted from nearby galaxies such as Andromeda was being redshifted and therefore the universe was expanding. In 1998, the cause of this accelerating expansion was confirmed to be dark energy, a mysterious force which scientists are still studying today. If the universe is expanding, it means that at some point in time space was compacted into a singularity, an event which the Big Bang Theory is founded on.
*Redshift is a physical phenomenon when electromagnetic radiation is “stretched” into red wavelengths because it is moving away from the observer.
element distribution in universe
During the cooling period of the universe, the earliest elements/isotopes such as hydrogen, deuterium, helium-3, helium-4 and lithium-7 were created. The Big Bang theory predicts a specific ratio/amount of these elements made in the aftermath of the “explosion.” These calculations are supported by the composition of distant galaxies and ancient stars which contain this ratio of elements.
*New stars like the Sun cannot be counted as evidence because they have been made from older generations of stars and as a result, their composition will largely differ from stars formed shortly after the Big Bang.

By Aleksandra Alekseeva

0 to 10^-43 Seconds
This epoch marks the earliest known time period of the universe. All matter was condensed into an extremely hot and dense singularity where gravity was the dominating force.
With our limited technology and current understanding of physics, scientists are still unaware of the specific events which unfolded during these brief seconds and the factor that led to the creation of our universe. However, there are numerous theories such as the Big Bounce which seek to explain this enigma.

10^-43 to 10^-6 Seconds
Throughout the Inflation Epoch, space began to exponentially expand outwards in all directions. At 10^-32 seconds, the four forces of the universe (electromagnetism, strong nuclear, weak nuclear and gravity) were separated and became distinguishable from one another.
Energy, in the form of radiation, was transformed into particles which created particle-anti-particle pairs that eventually lead to matter overpowering anti-matter (the reason as to why is yet to be discovered). Subsequently, the universe started to cool in temperature, halting quark conversion into energy.
10^-6 to 1 Second
As temperature and density continued to decline, the building blocks of matter (Hadrons and Leptons) came into existence from quarks. These included protons, neutrons and unbound electrons which roamed freely in space.
Around 10^-6 seconds, space was finally stable for nucleosynthesis. Protons, electrons and neutrons merged together to create deuterium, an isotope of Hydrogen, and Helium atoms.

1 Second and Onward
During the structure epoch, Hydrogen atoms combined to make molecules and larger atoms. Hydrogen gas created as a byproduct clumped together as nebulae and collapsed under the pressure of gravity, leading to the formation of stars. Consequently, protostars created planets through the process of accretion.
After 380,000 years, residual photons from the Big Bang were released and began to travel as Cosmic Background Radiation throughout the universe. After 13.8 billion years, space is now populated by astronomical objects such as Earth and is now accelerating in expansion.

Written Text
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